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Banca qualificação orientado do Prof. Almir

Description: Banca qualificação orientado do Prof. Almir (Thiago Alex Hemkemeier) do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil.
8 pessoas, incluindo Profa Fernanda DECiv) e Prof. Guilherme Koga (DEMA)
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Sala 3 - DECiv Sala 3
Start time: 08:00:00 - Friday 07 February 2020
Duration: 4 hours
End time: 12:00:00 - Friday 07 February 2020
Type: Internal
Created by: almir
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Last updated: 09:57:10 - Wednesday 30 October 2019
Repeat type: None
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